Monthly Archives: April 2015

Partnership with Ancient Music

This year we are beginning a partnership with Kate and Corwen, who run Ancient Music.

They have worked at Stonehenge, the Ancient Technology Centre and Poole mueums among others. Their many years of experience in running workshops on music, drama and early prehistory fits well with our expertise.

Together, we are known as The History People.

(L-R) Romilly, Corwen, Kate and Rachel – Sunburnt after a long week at Salisbury Museum

The Salisbury Museum – Living History Fortnight (Newspaper article)

Another delightful week at Salisbury Museum. We have created a new partnerships with Ancient Music, so alongside them, we varied the activities from last year. The schools got to experience a wider range of anient crafts than ever before: Fire-lighting, spear-throwing, natural dyeing, natural paint-making, using quern stones to grind wheat, spinning wool, weaving and experiencing the fantastic Wessex Gallery of the museum. Over the week we worked with 5 classes, both primary schools and a group of college students with special educational needs.

An article about our work at the Stone Age living history week appeared in the Salisbury Journal.

Many thanks to Salisbury Museum for hosting us and ensuring the sessions ran so smoothly.