Monthly Archives: April 2017

Jorvik Visit

Jorvik Viking Centre kindly invited us to have a tour of their new visitor centre and museum.

It was lovely to see our wool out on display in the newly reconstructed Jorvick town, as examples of dyeing and on a two bar loom to demonstrate weaving. We are also looking into doing some skill-sharing work with their staff and volunteers, and returning to visit the Coppergate textile finds in the York Archaeological Trust stores.

Some fascinating objects on display in the new museum gallery, including a lovely naalbinded sock and some recordings from our friends at Ancient Music.

Card Payment

Starting May 2017, we will be able to accept credit and debit card payments (chip+pin, contactless and magnetic strip) when you meet us in person at fairs and markets. Do make use of this where possible, the limiting factor will be the availability of WiFi or 3g / 4g signal. Please bear with us if this is not available in some more rural events.